
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


When it comes to decorating for Christmas, I try to put something in every room. Yes, I even put decorations in the bathroom! :)  Well, I didn't have anything in my bedroom, and I couldn't let that happen, so I had to come up with something.

I have this lantern that I keep for decoration, so I decided to spruce that up! When I was in Colorado this past summer, I bought some silver bells on a whim at a Christmas store there. Of course when I was putting out my Christmas decorations I had nowhere to put these bells. So I thought it would be cute to put the bells in the lantern and add a bow to it. 

I really like the elegance of it. Next time, I might make the bow more elaborate or at least have more sparkles. I wasn't sure this was going to work, so I just used some ribbon I had.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Fabric Wreath

Occasionally I make fabric wreaths, and one of my friends had asked if I could make her one for Christmas. Her theme was peppermints and gumdrops. I couldn't find too much with gum drops on it, but I did find these really cute peppermint swirls, so I added them to the wreath the give it something extra. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Holiday Arrangement

Wow! It has been forever since I have posted anything on here!! Of course school has sorta taken over every part of my life right now....and I still have a couple weeks left of the semester. But the holidays are here and when I get a spare moment (which are far a few between) I like to make holiday things! 

I was really wanting to make a cute arrangement for my Christmas decor, so I went out to Hobby Lobby and Michael's and bought a few things. I went a little over board and now I have SO much stuff, but that only means I get to make more things now!! 

So this is what I came up with.....

I wanted it to be elegant, yet quirky. I think I got it!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Flower Wall Art

With many, many nights on Pinterest, I found a project I thought was cute. So of course the crafter in me just had to make it! Here is the link to the blog with the tutorial on how to make this. 

With tons and tons of scraps of paper I had from scrapbooking projects, this project was very cheap for me. I already had the paint as well, so all I had to buy was the canvas. 

I wanted to do mine in bright colors, so here is how mine came out.

I wanted the flowers to be slightly different, so I positioned the flowers in different places on the canvas'. 

Here is a close-up of the turquoise canvas.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beaded Bracelets

One thing I have always loved is jewelry! Bracelets are one of my favorites. Being a crafter, I figured I would make my own bracelets. Not sure on how I was going to make them, I just went up to the craft store, looked in the jewelry section and hoped something would spark my imagination. Here is what I came up with:

Then I liked it so much, I decided to make other colors to go with other outfits!

Needless to say, I have made many, many more! I've even made some for people who liked them so much. They are very quick and simple to make, which is probably why I have tons of bracelets now! :)

I will be trying some other types of bracelets very soon!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Paper flowers

I have so much scrapbook stuff that I end up not using half of it. So I started thinking of things I could do with some of it. I love flowers and have a million paper flowers, so I glued a few of them together, stuck a clip on the back and made a hair flower clip! My first one was so cute, I made four more. 

You just need scrapbook paper flowers (any kind), hot glue, brad or button or anything to go in the center of the flower and a hair clip or a pen for the back! 

Since they are paper, they would have to be handled a little more gently, but I think they would actually last awhile! Super simple, super cheap (because I already had everything), and super cute! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Crafts

Spring has sprung! And the weather could not be more perfect! All the craft stores have all their spring items out and I am excited! When I went last, they had unpainted wooden bird houses, all different styles out. I thought it would be great to paint one and see how it turned out. So I did. Not as great as I was hoping, but I still had fun doing it. This would be great for children to do and put the bird houses outside for the birds or just around the house to show off their art work! Here is mine!